Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mothers day!

 Below you see my beautiful mug shot, that was me on my birthday. I was expecting my first and only angel, and couldn't be more blessed and excited. My pregnancy wasn't exactly the easiest one, in terms of stress and stuff that i was going through. but i rubbed that belly every single day, and i thanked god for the gift he gave to me. I was scared and unsure if i was really cut out for motherhood, and can remember crying thinking what if i am just not a good mom.
 Before i knew it i had this beautiful bundle of joy in my arms (as you see below), she was perfect in every single way. I couldn't stop looking at her, and couldn't bring myself to not be near her. I was so proud of my precious baby, and was so afraid if i blinked or walked away even for a minute that this dream would be over. I remember spending the first week, really not getting any sleep at all. Not because the new important job i had kept me from doing so, but because i just had to watch her breath. I had to know she was ok, and was afraid i would miss something.
 Now we fast forward 5 years later, and i have this gorgeous little girl as you see below. She has taught me more than i thought i could even learn, and showed me how to love unconditionally. She has of course gave me a run for my money, and had her rough patches with colic and health issues along the way. But it's because of her that i earned my wings in the mommy club, i know what true love is because of Makenna. I also know what it's like to truly be exhausted, to never have a private moment, to be truly selfless, and want another person to have everything life can offer before i have anything for myself. I watch her grow and morph into this little person everyday, and i swear i wish i could just hit the stop button. It's going so fast and i find myself afraid i will miss something all over again, the days go by so fast. I know i haven't always been the most perfect mom, because well we all make mistakes. But i always get back up swinging, and never will i give up fighting to make your life a million times better than i can ever imagine.
Above is a picture of my mom and of course Makenna, making silly faces and making me smile. This women taught me everything i know, and it's because of her that i have become the mother i am today. She like me made mistakes, and learned along the way. But it's her never give up attitude and tough nature that made her the best, even when faced with adversity. Anyone who knows her will tell you she's a fighter, she faught for a chance, she fought for me, she fought to give me everything she could. She fought cancer TWICE, has been through more things medically than most do in a lifetime. She is a true fighter and no matter what is swung her way, she comes out on top. I want to Thank my momma! for always being there, and teaching me the ropes. I also thank my little munchkin for making me a mommy, and giving me something to live for every single day.

To all you mommy's out there! thank you and give yourself a hug. We are the makers of the future!

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