Thursday, May 16, 2013

I am back!

I apologize for my absence, my internet was down at home. So i wasn't able to update, and spent my last few days doing a little bit of nothing. I have found myself plagued with some neck pain, and well that has not been fun. I really do not have much to report in way of entertaining, but that just means nothing big has really happened. Today i will embark on my super saving grocery trip, and hit 3 grocery stores and a fruit stand today. I really dislike grocery day, because Makenna really dislikes shopping. This means she is talking nonstop, and actually climbs all over the cart like a monkey. Usually by the time i get home, i am ready to be tranquilized. But hey the price we pay to have enough food to feed our family for a week, especially when you are on a tight budget. I look at those whom bring home much less income than my family, and have alot less to spend on food and necessities. I find it challenging sometimes to buy enough food to last the week, because although i love him my husband has a never ending stomach. We like to call him the human vacuum, because he literally devours food in seconds flat. I am usually just sitting down to my meal, before he's up for seconds or sometimes done completely lol. So making sure i make enough for his appetite, for him to take for his long work shifts, and for snacks and drinks is just hard sometimes. That is why i go to multiple stores, it's not my idea of fun. But going to those different places help me to get what i need, and by getting certain stuff where it is cheaper means i have more wiggle room. I pretty much budget everything down to the penny, because well those penny's sometimes make the difference between enough bread and milk for the week. Well i have a little princess staring ever so annoyed at me, so i suppose i should go see what she wants. I will write something more entertaining later!

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