Friday, May 17, 2013

Kids say the darndest things....

Today i will share random comments and statements that my 5 year old says, she makes me laugh so much and well shocks me as well lol.

Makenna Moment #1- "Mom there is a App like ABC, but only it's for adults with brain injuries you should check it out"

Makenna Moment #2- You know you've had a baby when your daughter busts in the bathroom while your taking a shower and says: "Mommy will i have LONG boobies like you when i am a grown up" Me: "Not if you age gracefully" Makenna: "Ok mom i'll be careful".

Makenna Moment #3-"Mom i don't curse the day you were born, I love the day you were born because it made you my mommy"

Makenna Moment #4- "Mom i'll be back i have to write down the reason's girls are better than boys, and (makes noise like she's exhausted) it's gonna take me a long time. she comes back a bit later: With her name and my name on the top of the paper with checks, and daddy is written with a big X on it lol.

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