Saturday, May 11, 2013

Talk to your little munchkins...

Sometimes we have to stop and just talk to our children, take the time to see how they feel and what they think. I know so often our life is busy, and we get caught up in it all. So many places to be, things that must be done, and people expect so much of you. But remember our children are little people too, they hear things that are going on. They take parts of conversations, even when you do not know they are listening. Children are smart enough to put it together, but are not always mature enough to handle it. If noone takes the time to talk to them, and see what is on their mind than who will? My daughter has made me painfully aware that she hears everything, she mimics and repeats stuff she even hears in public. If i didn't take the time to talk to her, and explain things than i shutter to think what she would say. We have to take the time and teach our children about words, how they can hurt others. That they can do so much, without us even meaning for them too. Teach them about what is mean, and what is not nice to say. Teach them not to pick on others, that everyone is different and that's ok. If you don't than who is going to teach them? I think that is part of the problem sometimes, those who matter are not talking to our youth. They do not know what's appropriate to say, what is best left unsaid, and what our words could do. A little girl in our neighborhood doesn't filter anything she says, she is raw and judgemental. She has no clue what that even means, she has no idea that her words are hurtful. I find myself keeping my daughter from interacting with her, because i do not want her to pick up those habits. But that is exactly what made me think about it, that her parents have not taught her. She hears things being said around her, and repeats them because well that's what she knows. So i don't blame her, and really i don't blame her parents eithier. There is no parenting manual, and we do the best we know how. I'm not perfect and trust me i've sat back a few times and thought, hmmm maybe that wasn't the best way to handle that. I know i've joked a few times, that the way i handled stuff definately wasn't going to get me mother of the year lol. So that's being human, we learn by our mistakes. But it's important that we do learn, and work hard to make the needed changes. We have to talk to our kids, explain what bullying is, tell them about the world, teach them about how others may percieve things and what that even means. There is a way to teach our children about being a good person, without overdoing it or sharing too much for their age. It's easy to look at our beautiful blessings, and think they are too young to understand. But i tell you my 5 year old understands more than i realize, she pays attention and she hears and see's everything. By taking the time to answer her questions, and listening and redirecting what she hears or thinks makes all the difference. Ok i am done on my little rant... Happy Saturday everyone!

Go kiss your babies, and make sure they know how much they are loved. Be the best you possible, and remember your children see and feel more than you think. Be proud of everything you say and do, and make sure you go to bed at night with no regrets.

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