Saturday, May 11, 2013

I make this look GOOD!

I know for most mothers getting your children to eat healthy food, is almost as impossible as getting them to clean their room. I recognized that my daughter was eating entirely too much junk, and i knew something needed to change. I took a look at my kitchen, and well what was in my grocery cart as well. I realized that without really putting much thought into it, i was making junk the easiest food to grab in my house. It was no wonder everyone grabbed the bag of chips, instead of a orange or some grapes out of the fridge. When i see something needs to be revamped, i take my time and do some much needed research and reading. I re-evaluate the situation, and come up with a game plan to make the needed changes. The one thing i knew had to be done, is make the healthy options easier and more prominent in my house. So i stopped buying junk food, and the stuff that is left i either put it up out of sight or i put it behind the healthy stuff. My goal was to make grabbing fruit a no brainer, and make sure they did not keep digging to find the junk. I began keeping a bowl of fruit on the counter, but noticed it was not being touched so much. So i put it in the fridge, and what do you know that bowl started to disappear. So i kept on going and began making snack bags, which consisted of serving sizes of grapes, blue berries, and strawberries. Now that i have done that i am on a mission to make the "frozen" treats healthy as well. Freezing my daughters favorite snacks like blueberries, making fruit and yogurt parfaits or as my daughter calls them "ice cream". I have a bag of frozen blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, and cherries. When my little one has been playing hard, and wants or needs a frozen treat i grab her one of the above mentioned snacks. She doesn't feel like she's being cheated, and honestly she is just as happy.

I am the type of person whom is always evaluating my house hold, and the way that things are done. This includes the way i handle relationships, and how i respond to others. If i see a negative trend starting, than i go to work to find a better way to handle it. I have been laughed at a bit, because i am always changing things up. But what they do not see is how it helps to keep us moving in a positive direction, by never allowing behavior or actions that could cause problems get out of hand. We are constantly growing as a family, and not afraid of change. Yes my changes even go down to the movement of furniture, which is usually done because i am bored with the way things work. If i change even the appearance of things in my house, it helps to re-energize us. It's much easier to not fall into a slump, when things are always new and exciting.

Well it's time for me to finish cleaning up my yummy treats, and get my house cleaned. It's a tough job sometimes, being the one in charge of keeping everyone healthy. But it's my job and i wouldn't change it for the world! I am a proud mommy and house wife, and i take my job seriously each and everyday. But of course as you might have noticed, i strive to always do it with a sense of humor and a smile on my face.

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