Friday, May 10, 2013

Smiling on the edge of insanity

Some days my mommy stress meter goes through the roof, and i occasionally feel like i am standing on the edge of insanity. It's like the saying my mom has told me more than once, "the definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome". Yes that is pretty much my life, every single day i do our needed routines and some how expect a different outcome. Well i guess i would lean more towards, i pray for a different outcome in a way. Like bedtime routine, every day we embark on our shower, medicine, teeth brushing, night clothes and wind down time before the dreaded "BEDTIME". I know ever so well exactly what this adventure will bring, i know my bathroom will be soaked in water. Yet i find it necessary to plead please do not open the shower curtain while the water is on, do not walk around until your dry, please do not throw the wet wash cloth on the floor. But regardless of how i state the above, i still walk into my bathroom and am instantly transferred into "Wet N Wild". So after i get her to help clean up, kicking and screaming of course we move onto the next task. Brushing her hair! Yes of course my princess has seen the movie Tangled, so she is on a mission to become the next Rapunzel. Makenna has black hair which comes down far below her buttucks, and when clean and not drenched in food is absolutely gorgeous. But keeping it beautiful means mommy has to stay ontop of it, she absolutely hates to have it brushed. Yet of course talk of cutting it brings hysterics, and threats from my family. I really do not mind so much, i know until she's fully able to take care of it this is my duty. But those of you whom have met Makenna, know that she literally goes "ALL IN" when she is consuming any sort of food. This means she is not so careful and is usually covered in whatever food she is enjoying at the moment, yes even if her hair is in some sort of tight bun. Her eating habits are funny in them self, but that is for another post (I am confident a situation will arise). Once we get through all of that fun, we get to get ready for bed. This process is painful, she eithier spends 20 mins complaining about bed or takes FOREVER brushing her teeth and going potty. I than go forth into the unknown, and hope for an easy quick slumber. It never ends up being so, and on the rare occassion that it does i am absolutely shocked. Like this evening she actually went to sleep with minimal fighting, and only rolled around dramatically "getting comfortable" for 10 mins instead of her normal 30 mins. By the time i get her to sleep i am just plain exhausted, the idea of forming much thought or doing anything which requires energy is just out of the question.
Ok i seemed to have gone off subject a bit, my smiling on the very edge of insanity. This comes on behalf of any of the above, or from a long list of other fun adventures. However today i was particularly referring to the fact that, i never have a moment to think. I literally feel like it is never quiet, and i never can actually just be in my own head with my own thoughts. My mind is always in the midst of chaos, and some how i am expected to cook, clean, make appointments, do important errands, remember to tell someone of something important i was supposed to remember, and well if i am lucky try to do something i really want to do (funny i know). Today was no different than most days, but i felt like i was in a video game. My objective was to talk and actually be HEARD, without being interrupted or ignored. I actually thought about putting on a cape, and going into attack mode. However... reality soon crept in and i realized, that even in a cape no one would listen lol. In fact they would probably join in, and put on capes of their own. At that point what i had to say is long gone, and we (hubby, and daughter) are rolling around in the living room making light saber noises... and mommy's mind has went up in a cloud of smoke. This most definitely puts me on the edge of insanity, smiling of course because i love my life and my husband and daughter. I would not trade them or it for anything in the world, but it does not mean i have to be sane while enjoying it right?

Ok that is all for tonight, because sadly... this one blog has taken me a few hours to write because I've been interrupted! Now i am off to find my cape, and attack my bed and HOPE for a good nights sleep =) Till tomorrow my beautiful friends.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I just don't know if I can do it. I mean, I want kids...but every time I read things like this, I realize how happy I am that I can sleep anytime I want. LOL.
